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Quivera Enterprises, LLC (Quivera) is a tribally-owned holding company that was established in 2018 to provide management oversight and professional support services to its subsidiaries. These subsidiaries provide professional services such as information technology and facilities support services to government, tribal, and commercial clients. Quivera delivers high-level management support, financial management, human resources and business development through a structure that consolidates costs and allows the sharing of resources to target each company’s specific need(s).

Anadarko Industries, LLC (AI) is a recognized Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) that provides support and services to the Government and major Government subcontractors. AI delivers focused capabilities in Information Technology, Logistics and Facility Operations, Technical Services (Engineering, Safety, Science), and Business Management. Our personnel encompass a broad spectrum of experience which includes former Government civilian, military personnel, and a commercial sector committed to a high level of excellence and performance.

Iscani Industries, LLC (Iscani) is a Native American, tribally owned construction company managed and supported by its parent company, Quivera Enterprises, LLC, and is the fourth company in a line of successful family of companies. Iscani is certified as a “Buy Indian” firm under the Buy Indian Act 25 USC 47. “Buy Indian” status provides preference in contract awards from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Health Service.

Wichita Government Solutions, LLC (WGS), is a Native American tribally-owned small disadvantaged business (SDB ) with ample competencies and a strong financial standing. WGS’s proven and established experience supports clients at a competitive price. The Wichita and Affiliated Tribes of Anadarko, Oklahoma have developed WGS as the cornerstone of an economic development plan to ensure tribal financial independence. WGS contributes to improving housing, education, medical coverage, elder care and scholarship programs. We recognize that beautiful communities are built on healthy economic foundations.

Wichita Government Solutions, LLC (WGS), is a Native American tribally-owned small Wichita Tribal Enterprises, LLC (WTE), a Native American tribally-owned small business, is Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) certified, small disadvantaged business (SDB) with ample competencies and a strong financial standing. WTE’s proven and established experience supports clients at a competitive price. The Wichita and Affiliated Tribes of Anadarko, Oklahoma have developed WTE as the cornerstone of an economic development plan to ensure tribal financial independence. WTE contributes to improving housing, education, medical coverage, elder care and scholarship programs. We recognize that beautiful communities are built on healthy economic foundations.